Section Engagement Sector

About SES

The Section Engagement sector (SE sector), under the direction of the Board of Governors, is responsible for providing resources, support, and governance for Professional and Student sections.

The sector Vision statement is to develop and improve the global ASME volunteer experience through engagement with the local community.

The sector Mission is to engage and diversify section membership while expanding ASME’s role in an engineer’s journey.
SES Org Chart

The Section Engagement sector is dedicated to expanding and supporting the local efforts of members across the globe. Sections offer technical, social, leadership, project management, and community service programs allowing student and professional engineers networking opportunities in a variety of settings.  With over 150 professional sections and over 500 student sections in 38 countries, ASME global network continues to expand.

Wherever you go and at every step of your career, ASME has a place for you. At ASME, local professional and student sections offer members a community celebrating engineering.


Get Involved


MDE Council Membership

Rick Cowan
Senior Vice President, Section Engagement Sector

Jaime Sotomayor
Vice Chair of Professional Sections, Section Engagement Sector
General Manager, ARPL Tecnología Industrial S.A

Jennifer Atchinson
Vice Chair Student Sections, Section Engagement Sector
College of Engineering, Drexel University

Lovepreet Singh
2023-2024 ECLIPSE Intern, Section Engagement Sector
Sr. Research Analyst, Wood Mackenzie

Paul Adedeji
2024-2025 ECLIPSE Intern, Section Engagement Sector
University of Johannesburg, Process Energy and Environmental Technology Station

Evelyn Taylor

Evelyn Taylor
ASME Section Operations

Ty Booker

Ty Booker
Sr. Manager, Programming and Engagement
ASME Section Operations

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