ASME Mission, Vision, and Strategic Priorities

ASME strategy is designed to meet our commitment to serving societal needs; ASME positively impacts the safety, public welfare, and overall quality of life globally. We strive to deliver innovative products and services to our members, the engineering community, and society.

Our Mission

Advancing engineering for the benefit of humanity

Our Vision

The premier resource for the engineering community globally.


Our aspirations are to address the global challenges of:
- Sustainable Solutions
- Clean Energy
- Efficient Housing
- Clean Water
- Efficient Transportation
- Public Safety
- Public Healthcare

We will serve those aspirations through these strategic technologies globally:

Advanced Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing | Industry 4.0

Pressure Technology

Design | Materials | Fab Inspection | Operation Commissioning | Maintenance

Clean Energy

Solar | Wind | Biomass Storage | Nuclear


Industrial Automation | UAVs Field | Mobile | Autonomous


Cellular Manufacturing | Biologics | Tissue Engineering

Mission, Vision, and Strategic Priorities

Designed to meet our commitment to serving societal needs

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