Recruit, Retain, and Train Young Professional Engineers

Recruit, Retain, and Train Young Professional Engineers

Mechanical engineer, author, speaker, and trainer, Tim Griffin, executive vice president of RMF Engineering discusses how firms can recruit, retain, and train young professional engineers.

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Mechanical engineers work across a wide range of industries. But professional services firms have the distinction of being the organizations that employ the highest concentration of MEs. Across U.S. architecture and engineering firms, on average, 4 percent of staffers are mechanical engineers. According to the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, almost 60,000 MEs work for firms at an annual mean wage of nearly $105,000. 

Working within this environment is Tim Griffin, the executive vice president of RMF Engineering in Raleigh-Durham, N.C. This engineer, author, speaker, and trainer understands the competitiveness of finding, keeping, and training new engineers in his role of overseeing several production divisions, the firm’s corporate marketing team, and the internal Leadership Development University.

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