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David W. Conley, Innomation Corp.


David Conley’s depth of experience in the field of innovation is derived from his work in the USAF Research Lab, Sandia, Los Alamos, and Brookhaven National Labs, and NASA, to private sector companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, Philips Semiconductor, and Intel corporation.  During his last seven years at Intel Corporation, he was the chair of the company’s worldwide innovation program, where he helped train thousands of engineers and solved hundreds of innovative problems. Just thirty (executed over an 18-month period) of the thousands of TRIZ solutions implemented at Intel contributed $15 billion to Intel’s bottom line. 

Certified by the International TRIZ Association, David’s contributions to the field of systematic innovation include technical, computing and business system problem solving, training materials development, methodology training, program integration and serving on the Executive Board and Certification Committee of the US based Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies.

David’s career as a TRIZ consultant covers over two decades where he has been utilizing and teaching TRIZ with, and within, companies such as Intel corporation, Samsung, Hyundai, Sandia National Labs, NASA, and the United States Air Force. His consulting includes the direct support of dozens of organizations solving challenging technical, computing, and business problems, teaching TRIZ focused innovation classes and the application of TRIZ to Design Thinking, Lean, Six Sigma and other popular methodologies.  

He received his BS of Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University and his Master of Finance degree from the University of New Mexico. Additionally, he is certified by the International TRIZ Association as a TRIZ Specialist.

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