Donald Wilcock Award

ASME Unit: Tribology Division (TRIB)
Date Established: 1989
Achievement: Distinguished service to the Tribology Division and the tribology community throughout the recipient's career.
Limitations: Must be a member of the Tribology Division
Nomination Deadline: 7/1
Form of Award: Plaque
Frequency of Award: No Limit
Administrative: Tribology Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Tribology Division Honors and Awards Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations are made by the Honors and Awards Committee, RCT members, and/or the Tribology Division Executive Committee. Recipients are selected by the approval of the majority of the Tribology Division Honors and Awards Committee. For information on nominations, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding: Tribology Division Custodian Account
Date Created: 1/9/2001
Date Modified: 10/24/2012
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Winners of the Donald Wilcock Award

1989  Donald F. Wilcock
1992  Marshall Peterson
1995  Ward O. Winer
2002  Roger Barnsby
2009  Said Jahanmir
2012  Richard Cowan
2017  John A. Tichy

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