Young Engineer Paper Contest

ASME Unit: Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Date Established: 1994
Achievement: Best paper submitted to the FED Young Engineer Paper Contest Committee
Limitations: Undergraduate students, recent baccalaureate engineers (i.e. graduation after April of year prior to award) and beginning graduate students (i.e. start of graduate studies after April of year prior to award)
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award: Plaque, honorarium, and travel reimbursement (see Selection Process below)
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Fluids Engineering Division (FED)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: FED Young Engineer Paper Contest Committee
Selecting Process: The FED Young Engineer Paper Contest Committee will review these papers. The authors of the three best papers will be selected as finalists. Finalists will revise their papers to match ASME publication guidelines. For information on nominations, visit the ASME Unit Award Nominations Page.
Funding: Custodian account
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: 10/24/2012
Contact Name: B. Terry Beck
Contact Email:

Winners of the Young Engineer Paper Contest

2016Diana Alatalo
2016Fatemeh Hassanipour
2015Sohail R. Reddy
2015George S. Dulikravich
2014V. Klimchenko
2014J. Park
2014M. Hossain
2009J. Kelly
2009T. Reedy
2009J. Gregg
2008J. Abboud
2008A. B. Dempsey
2008M. Zarzecki
2007B. Austin
2007D. Heymann
2007S. M. Bower
1999S. Thomson
1998D. Wilhite
1997H. Langford
1996W. Decker
1996M. Colton
1995A. Terry

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