The ASME IGTI Scholar Award

ASME Unit: International Gas Turbine Institute

Date Established: 1989

Achievement: The International Gas Turbine Institute Scholar will be a person with a significant depth of knowledge in some aspect of gas turbine technology who will write a learned and comprehensive paper, and present it as a lecture at the ASME Turbo Expo.


Nomination Deadline: September 1

Form of Award: $1000 cash and plaque

Frequency of Award: Every two years

Administrative: ASME International Gas Turbine Institute

Level of Award: Division

Selected By: An 8 member Scholar Awards Committee, chaired by the Awards & Honors Committee Chair

Selecting Process: An invitation is issued from a selected list of candidates proposed by IGTI Technical Committee members and others. The Scholar Awards Committee, chaired by the IGTI Awards & Honors Committee Chair, selects the recipient from the list of nominees.

Funding: IGTI's Operating Fund

Date Modified: 6/12/2020

Contact Name: ASME Staff

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 1-281-493-3491

Download Nomination Form

Winners of the Scholar Award

Dr. Rakesh K. Bhargava, Innovative Turbomachinery Technologies Corp.
2023 Dr. Rakesh K. Bhargava
2021 Zolti Spakovszky
2019  Kenneth Suder 
2017  Ron Bunker
2015  Ivor Day
2013  Allan Volponi
2011  Om Sharma
2009  Nicholas Cumpsty
2007  Edward Greitzer
2005  Ben Zinn
2003  Alan Epstein
2001  Michael Dunn
1999  John Adamczyk
1997  Amrutur Srinivasan
1995  Arthur Lefebvre
1993  John Denton
1991  Robert Mayle

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