Outstanding Service Award

ASME Unit: Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED)
Date Established: 1996
Achievement: Given to the individual who performed outstanding service work in the Manufacturing Engineering Division.
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Manufacturing Engineering Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Executive Committee of MED
Selecting Process: Recommendation to the Executive Committee
Funding: MED Custodian Account
Date Created: 11/8/2000
Date Modified: 7/15/2011
Contact Name: MED Executive Committee
Contact Email:  
Contact Phone:  

Outstanding Service Award Recipients

2023 Laine Mears
2022 Gloria Wiens 
Radu Pavel
2021 Shawn Moylan
2020 Kevin Chou
2019 Samuel Johnson
2018 Frank Pfefferkorn
2017 Brian Paul 
2016 Brad Kinsey
2015 Scott Smith
2014 Larry Yao
2013 Jian Cao
2011 Kornel Ehmann
2010 Bin Wei
2008 Michael F. Molnar
2007 Steven Liang
2001 John W. Sutherland
2000 Dr. K. Subramanian
1999 Gloria Wiens
1998 Shiv Kapoor
1997 Warren DeVries
1996 Dwight A. Blaser

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