Outstanding Achievement Award

ASME Unit: Materials Handling Engineering Division (MHED)
Date Established: 1978
Achievement: Any engineering project that falls into the general category of materials handling engineering. The award is given for the achievement--not to an individual--so that many engineers who worked on the project are recognized as having contributed.
Limitations: Only engineering and construction achievements within the confines of the 50 United States are eligible.
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award: Plaque
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Materials Handling Engineering Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Executive Committee upon recommendations of the Jury of Judges.
Selecting Process: Recommendations to the Executive Committee
Funding: MHED Custodian Account
Date Created: 11/8/2000
Date Modified: 5/6/2009
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Outstanding Achievement Award Recipients

1979 Robins Engineers & Constructors
1984 ORBA Corporation
1986 The Sims Consulting Group
1988 Kaiser Engineers
1989 Robins Engineers & Constructors, Inc., of Orenstein & Knoppel AG Group

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