Mechanisms Committee Certificate of Appreciation

ASME Unit: Design Engineering Division (DED)
Date Established:  
Achievement: Sustained contributions to the ASME Mechanisms Committee or the Biennial Mechanisms Conference
Nomination Deadline: 8/10
Form of Award: Certificate
Frequency of Award: No Limit
Administrative: Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By:  
Selecting Process: Honors and Awards Subcommittee comes up with the guidelines
Funding: None
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: 11/19/2009
Contact Name:  
Contact Email:  
Contact Phone:  

Mechanisms Committee Certificate of Appreciation Recipients

1986 K.H. Hunt
1988 A.G. Erdman
1990 K.J. Waldron
1992 J. Duffy
1994 A.H. Soni

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