Kodak Best Paper In Design Automation Award

ASME Unit: Design Engineering Division (DED)
Date Established: 1989 for an initial period of 5 years
Achievement: Best paper at Design Automation Conference
Limitations: Preference is given to papers that describe work that should reduce the time required to bring a design from concept to customer. Research activity with a focus on collapsing a product'/s time to market. This includes: improving design quality; promoting
Nomination Deadline: 8/10
Form of Award: $1,000 honorarium and plaque
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Design Engineering Division - Design Automation Committee
Level of Award: Division
Design Automation Honors and Awards Subcommittee  
Selecting Process: Papers are nominated by the Design Automation Awards Editors, the Committee selects the winning paper by consensus
Funding: Kodak provides $1,000 and a plaque
Date Created: 10/18/2000
Date Modified: 11/19/2009
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Kodak Best Paper In Design Automation Award Recipients

1991 Dr. David Hoeltzel
1992 Dr. Mehran Chirehdast
1992 Hae Chang Gea
1992 Noboru Kikuchi
1992 Panos Papalambros

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