JCI Best Paper Award

ASME Unit: Process Industries Division (PID)
Date Established: 3/1/2008
Achievement: Key Johnson Controls, Inc. values support innovation by encouraging change and seeking the opportunity it brings,as well as sustainability by promoting the efficient use of resources to benefit all people and the world. Through its Large Tonnage Chiller Engineering group, Johnson Controls, Inc. encourages researchers to bring to light new solutions in the Turbomachinery field and has set up an award for the best paper in the field of Turbomachinery and Compressor Technologies at the IMECE '08.
Limitations: For notable contribution(s) to the field of Turbomachinery or Compressor Technologies. The prize is awarded to a researcher who published a paper in the proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2008.
Nomination Deadline: 5/1
Form of Award: $1,000 cash award and certificate
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Compressor Technical Committee of the ASME Process Industry Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Compressor Technical Committee of the ASME Process Industry Division and Johnson Controls representative.
Selecting Process: The nominations are open to all at any time and consist of a nomination letter and CV submitted to the sub-committee chair.
Funding: The award may not be given if there are no suitable nominees or if funds are not available.
Date Created: 06/27/2008
Date Modified: 6/2/2009
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