Graduate Student Conference Scholarship

ASME Unit: Information Storage & Processing Systems Division (ISPS)
Date Established: 2008
Limitations: Note that there is a limit of two graduate students per academic adviser for the the Conference Scholarships.
Nomination Deadline:  
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: ISPS Awards Committee
Level of Award: Division
Selected By:  
Selecting Process: All graduate students who wish to be considered for the scholarship are required to submit a brief (1 page maximum) description of the student'/s thesis research and a brief statement of the applicability of their thesis research to the research areas of the ISPS Division. Interested students need to submit a letter (e-mail) of intent and the brief document described above by March 31st of each year to the chair of the awards committee.
Date Created: 12/14/2009
Date Modified: 12/14/2009
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Contact Email:  
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