Founders Award

ASME Unit: Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnosis and Prognosis
Date Established: 1999
Achievement: Exemplary achievement in NDE and engineering
Nomination Deadline: May 1
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Biannual
Administrative: NDE Engineering Division Executive Committee
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Division Executive Committee
Selecting Process:  
Funding: Executive Committee
Date Created: 10/8/2000
Date Modified: 8/23/2012
Contact Name: Henrique Reis
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 217-333-1228

Founders Award Recipients 

2001 Ajit Mal, University of California (Los Angeles)
2003 Joseph L. Rose, Pennsylvania State University
2005 Eckhardt Schneider, Fraunhofer IZFP
2007 Michael J. Farley
2007 Doosan Babcock
2007 Spenser H. Bush - Posthumous
2015 Henrique Reis - University of Illinois
2017 Tibikram Kundu - University of Arizona, Tucson
2018 Victor Giurgiutiu - University of South Carolina
2019 Peter Cawley - Imperial College
2020 Peter B. Nagy
2021 Francesco Lanza di Scalea
2022 Michael Lowe

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