Distinguished Service Award Materials & Energy Recovery Division

ASME Unit: Materials & Energy Recovery Division (MER)
Date Established: 1990
Achievement: Outstanding service to the Division through leadership in or contributions to its growth, activity, vitality, operation or objectives over a period of at least ten years.
Limitations: Awarded only to ASME members who have been members of the Solid Waste Processing Division for at least ten years.
Nomination Deadline:  
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Materials & Energy Recovery Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Division Executive Committee approves or disapproves after receipt of nomination.
Selecting Process: Detailed written nomination with five supporting letters submitted to Division Executive Committee.
Funding: Division operating budget or custodian fund
Date Created: 11/21/2000
Date Modified: 1/13/11
Contact Name:  
Contact Email:  
Contact Phone:  

Winners of the Distinguished Service Award

2011  Not Given this year
2010  Not Given this year
2009  Robert L. LaBua
2007  Anthony Licata
2007  Charles O. Velzy, P.E.
2005  Robert E. Hall
2004  John S. Austin, P.E.
2003  Wolfram Schuetzenduebel
2002  Peter J. Waznys, P.E.
2001  David Sussman
1999  Floyd Hasselriis, P.E.
1992  Robert K. Hampton
1991  Paul V. Abate

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