Design Automation Young Investigator Award

ASME Unit: Design Engineering Division (DED)
Date Established: 2009
Achievement: To recognize an outstanding young investigator who is making noteworthy contributions in the area of design automation.
Limitations: Recipient can not be more than 40 years of age at the time of the nomination deadline. They must also be a member of ASME, and be in good standing with ASME at the time of the nomination. Current members of the Design Automation Executive Committee are not eligible for the award.
Nomination Deadline: 4/1
Form of Award:  
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Design Engineering Division – Design Automation Committee (DAC)
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Design Automation Honors and Awards Selection Committee
Selecting Process: Nominations for this award can be made to TCDA Chair. Nominators need not be members of ASME. The nomination package should include a cover letter from the nominator, the nominee'/s curriculum vitae, a statement (not to exceed 1000 words) about the nominee'/s research contributions, and three letters of recommendation. Selection will be based on the nominee'/s research contributions and accomplishments within the field of design automation as well as his/her impact on the field as attributed by prominent members in the field. Nominations are evaluated by the Design Automation Award Selection Committee consisting of the TCDA Chair, the immediate past TCDA Chair, the DAC Conference Chair, and two past winners of Design Automation Award selected by the TCDA Chair, the immediate past TCDA Chair, and the DAC Conference Chair. The TCDA Chair chairs the committee. In the case where a member of the Award Selection Committee is the nominator or a reference of an award applicant, he/she will not participate in the discussion and voting. Unsuccessful nomination packages will be held for consideration for one additional year. Providing supplemental documentation such as the updated curriculum vitae and nomination letter is strongly encouraged for such nominations submitted earlier.
Date Created: 10/26/2009
Date Modified: 1/8/2013
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Winners of the Design Automation Young Investigator Award

2024 Hongyi Xu
2023 Zhen Hu
2022 Kate Whitefoot
2021 Zhimin Xi
2020 Jie Zhang
2016  Pingfeng Wang
2014  Scott Ferguson 2013 - James Allison
2012  Erin MacDonald
2011  Levent Burak Kara
2010  Carolyn Conner Seepersad
2009  Jeremy Michalek

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