Calvin W. Rice Lecture Award

The Calvin W. Rice Lecture was founded in 1934 to honor the man who served as Secretary of the Society from 1906 to 1934. It is intended to continue the effort for which Calvin W. Rice was known, to increase understanding among engineers of various countries. The Knowledge and Community Technical Communities (TC) is responsible for selecting the speaker for the Calvin W. Rice Lecture through the Calvin W. Rice Lecture Award Subcommittee of the TC Committee on Honors (CoH). In order to obtain a broad group of candidates from which it can make a selection, the Subcommittee requests each Technical Division to propose the name of at least one person each year. The Subcommittee chooses a Lecturer based on the information it has obtained about the candidates from the Divisions and elsewhere, and in consultation with the TC Committee on Honors and TC Vice President.

After the Subcommittee selects the Lecturer and an agreement of acceptance has been reached, a formal invitation letter will be sent todeliver the Calvin W. Rice Lecture at a scheduled Technical Division Conference. The Calvin W. Rice Lecture Award is usually given annually.

The Subcommittee looks for a Lecturer and topic, which fit the purpose of the Calvin W. Rice Lecture. It is also important that the quality and prestige of the Lecture be continued on a high level. Preference should be given to a Lecturer whose accomplishments have been achieved abroad.

Society Policy P-14.11 pertains to the granting of Life Membership to a Calvin W. Rice Lecturer. Corporate members of ASME will receive life membership in their grade of membership. Non-members must be recommended for membership by the Admissions Committee and will receive life membership in the grade recommended, but not a grade higher than Member. In the event the recipient is already a life member, an engrossed certificate will be presented.

The award consists of a $ 4,000.00 Honorarium, intended to offset expenses incurred to present the Lecture, a certificate and a lifetime membership with ASME.

Nomination Form



PROF. SHI-WEI RICKY LEE, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Title: A New Silk Road: Evolution and Migration of Electronic and Photonic Packaging Technologies from the West to the East.


FREDRICK PFEIFFER, Technical University of Munich, Germany Title: Nonsmooth Features of Large Dynamical Systems.


PROF. WEI YANG, President of Zhejiang University, China Title: Dynamics of Growth of Research Universities in China.


GIAN PAOLO BERETTA, Ordinario di Fisica Tecnica Industriale, Italy Title: Steepest Entropy Ascent in Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics.


GAMAL REFAI-AHMED, Advanced Micro Devices Inc, Canada Title: "Past, Present and Future Challenges of Electronics Packaging"


LUC H. GERAETS, SUEZ Nuclear Activities, Belgium Title: "The Fabulous Nuclear Odyssey of Belgium"


KUNIYUKI KITAGAWA, Eco Topia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan Title: "Spectroscopic Monitoring of Energy Sustems"


GEORGE TSATSARONIS, Technical University of Berlin, Dept. of Energy Engineering, Germany Title:"Understanding Energy Conversion through Advanced Exergoeconomic and Exergoenvironmental Analyses"


ALDO STEINFELD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Energy Technology, Switzerland Title: “Solar Thermochemical Production of Hydrogen-Present Status and Future Prospects” AND KOHEI SUZUKI, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan Title: “Earthquaked damage to industrial facilities and anti-earthquake technolog from experiences in Japan”


PROF. YOICHIRO MATSUMOTO, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan Title: "Medical Application in Fluids Engineering"


DR. TORGEIR MOAN from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Title: ”Risk-based Management of the Safety of Offshore Structures” AND DR. PETER W. BEARMAN, Imperial College, London, England Title: “Vortex-Induced Vibration of Ocean Structures”


DR. JEAN BATAILLE from Ecole Central De Lyon, France Title: “Two-Phase Oxymoron"


D NORIO ARAI from Nagoya University, Nagoya Japan. Title: “Emission Sources & Formation/Destruction of N²O”


DR. PETER WALKER from the University College London, United Kingdom. Title: “ The award was presented to Dr. Walker at the Summer Bioengineering


DR. PANAGIOTIS DRAKATOS, from the University of Patras, in Patras, Greece. Title: “ Diagnostic Reliability in the Environment Technology”


HEKI SHIBATA, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan Title: "Seismic Hazards and Damage: Avoiding Disaster through Simulations and Experience".


PROFESSOR SHOICHI FURUHAMA, President, Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan Title: "Problems of Forcasting the Future of Advanced Engines and Engine Characteristics of the Hydrogen Injection with LH2 Tank and Pump"


DR. JOHN H. HORLOCK, Honorary Professor, Warwick University Title: "Combined Power Plants -Past, Present and Future"


DR. JOHN EIRWYN FFOWCS WILLIAMS, Rank Professor of Engineering, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Title: ‘ no record of paper title'/


JOHN G. COLLIER Chief Executive, Nuclear Electric plc, United Kingdom, Title: '/Nuclear Power: Its Future in an Uncertain World"


P. L. B. Oxley, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia Title: " Some Tribological Aspects of Metal Working Processes

Michael P. Paidoussis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Title:  Some Curiosity-Driven Research in Fluid-Structure Interactions and Its Current Applications


HEINZ W. HAHN, Ginsterweg, Germany. Title: The Automotive Diesel Engine -Its Future Development and Role in the Powertrain Management System


MEINR AD K. EBERLE, Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Switzerland Title: Diesel Engine Design for Reliability, Cost Effectiveness and Environmental Acceptability -An outlook


FRITZ PHILIPS, Chairman of the Board, N. V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven, Netherlands Title: Fiftieth Anniversary of Sterling Engine Technology


KONSTANTIN V. FROLOV, Vice President, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR. Title: Plans for Revamping the Man-Sector in the Soviet Union


TAKASHI SUZUKI, Managing Director, Hino Motors, Tokyo, Japan Title: Future Diesel Engines -Problems, Technologies, and Challenges


BERNARD CROSSLAND, Queens University, Belfast, Ireland Title: Philosophical Thoughts on Standards for High Pressure Systems


CECIL C. J. FRENCH, Ricardo Consulting Engineers, plc, West Sussex, England Title: Engineers for the 90'/s and Beyond -Challenges and Opportunities


HAROLD H. ANDERSON, Design Consultant, Bridge of Allan, Scotland Title: Sixty Years of Centrifugal Pumps.


SIR WILLIAM REDE HAWTHORNE, Churchill College, Cambridge, England Title: World Energy Versus the Environment -Conflict or Compromise


JOHN H. ARGYRIS, The University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, West Germany Title: Some Glimpses of Software as an International Effort


DONALD L. MORDELL, Canadian College of Advanced Engineering Practice, Montreal, PQ Canada. Title: The Engineered World and the World of Engineers.


FRITI-BOF I. NIORDSON, Professor of Solid Mechanics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. Title: Optimal Design of Mechanical Structures


YASUNDO TAKAHASI-Il, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, USA Title: The Impact of LSI Technology on Control Engineering


L. ROTHERHAM, Member for Research, Central Electricity Generating Board London, England Title: Some High-Temperature Research Problems for an Expanding Electrical Power Industry


O.A. SAUNDERS, City and Guilds College, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England. Title: Some Reflections on Progress in Engineering Heat Transfer Science


D. F. GALLOWAY, Director of Research, Production Engineering Research Association of Great Britain Leicestershire, England Title: Production Engineering Research and its Practical Application in Great Britain


SIR HUGH E. C. BEAVER, Chairman of the Government Committee of Enquiry Into the Nature, Causes, and Effects of Air Pollution, United Kingdom Title: Air Pollution. The Growth of Public Opinion


J. FOSTER PETREE, Editor, Engineering, London, England. Title: The Position of the Technical Press in Relation to Industry


LYNDALL F. URWICK, Chairman, Urwick, Orr &Partners, Ltd., London, England Title: Management'/s Debts to the Engineers


PIER0 FERRERIO, Chairman and President, Edison Company, Milan, Italy. Title: Past, Present, and Future of the Italian Power Industry


FREDERICK OEDERLIN, Managing Director, Charge of Engineering, Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Winterthur, Switzerland. Title: Engineering Achievements in Switzerland, and Their Background


LUIGI BROGLIO, Professor of Theory in Aeronautical Structures, University of Rome, Rome, Italy; Chief of the Aeronautical Department of Structure Air Ministry, Rome; Visiting Professor, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN Title: The Method of Equivalence Applied to Engineering and to Mathematical Physics


FRANK MARTINUZZI, Director of Research, Coordinator on Gas Turbines, Italian National Research Council, Rome, Italy. Title: Continental and American Gas Turbine and Compressor Calculation Methods Compared


K. Y. CHEN, China-Defense Supplies, Inc. China Title: What Postwar China Hopes for from the United States Engineers


R. E. BALLESTER, Engineer and Director of Irrigation. Argentina Title: Some Technical and Economic Aspects of the Argentine


WILLIAM B. BARCLAY, Consulting Metallurgist, Mond Nickel Company, London, England. Title: Some Metallurgical Contributions to Engineering Progress


HILDING THORNEBOHM, SKF Industries. Goteborg, Sweden. Title: Modem Tolerance Requirements and Their Scientific Determination


ADOLF MEYER Brown Boveri and Company, Baden, Switzerland. Title: The Velox Boiler and Its Possibilities for Plants on Land and Sea


JOHN H. FINLEY, The New York Times, New York, NY. USA Title: Dr. Calvin W. Rice'/s Contribution to International Friendliness

*two awards were given this year by decision of the awards committee

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