Best Paper Award (SED)

ASME Unit: Solar Energy Division (SED)
Date Established: 1987
Achievement: Best paper in each technical committee topical area presented at the Solar Energy Division Annual Conference or the ASME Congress
Limitations: Only Solar Energy Division Technical Committees
Nomination Deadline:  
Form of Award: Certificate and honorarium
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Chair of the Solar Energy Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Solar Energy Division Technical Committees
Selecting Process: Committee discussion and vote
Funding: Solar Energy Division Custodian Funds
Date Created: 7/7/2008
Date Modified: 4/28/2011
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Winners of the Best Paper Award

2014 Charles G. Tse, Benjamin A. Maples, Frank Kreith
2009 Charles D. Corbin, Michael J. Brandemuehl, "Modeling, Testing, and Evaluation of Buildin-Intergrated Photovoltaic-Thermal Collector" Paul Lichtyt, Christopher Perkins, Bryan Woodruff carl Bingham, Alan Weimer, "Rapid High Temperature Solar Thermal Biomass Gasification in a Prototype Cavity Reactor. Jan Fabian Feldhoff, Daniel Benitez, Markus Eck, "Economic Potential of Solar Thermal Power Plants with Direct Steam Generation Compared to HTF Plants" Matt Royer, Jane Davidson, Lorraine Francis, Susan Mantell, " Shear Removal of Calcium Carbonate Scale from PP and Cu Tubes" Douglas DeVoto, Patrick McCluskey, "Reliability Analysis of Wind Turbines" Chin-Yi Liu, Uwe R. Kortshagen, "Hybrid Solar Cells from Silicon Nanocrystals and Conductive Polymers"
2008 Patxi Hernandez, Paul Kenny; " Zero Energy Houses and Embodied Energy; regulatory & design Conditions" Charles Andraka; "Cost/Performance Tradeoffs for Reflectors Used in Solar Concentrating Dish Systems" Nathan seigal, Greg Kolb; Design and On-Sun testing of a Solid Particle Reciever Prototype" Rabindra Pokhrel, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Tim Hight, Thorsteinn Adalsteinsson; "Anaysis and Design of a Paraffin/Graphite Composite PCM Intergrated in a Thermal Storage Unit" Dale K Kotter, Steven D. Novack, W. Dennis Slafer, Patrick Pinhero; "Solar Nantenna Electromagnetic Collectors"
2006 Nicolas Velazquez, Roberto Best, and Margarito Quintero; "Design and Construction of an Air Cooled Ammonia Absorber"
2001 Reiner Buck, Thomas Bräuning, Thorsten Denk, Markus Pfänder, Peter Schwarzbözl, Felix Tellez, "Solar-Hybrid Gas Turbine-Based Power Tower Systems (REFOS)" A.H. Fanney, B.P. Dougherty, M.W. Davis, "Measured Performance of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Panels" S. Arora, J. Davidson, S. Mantell, J. Burch, "The Thermal Penalty of an Immersed Heat Exchanger in Integral Collector Storage System" M.P. Deru, A.T. Kirkpatrick, "Ground-Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer from Buildings: Part 1 - Analysis and Modeling"
1995 J. S. Haberl and T. Bou-Saada, T. Kuma , T. Hirose, M. Goto, A. Kodama, D. A. Rezachek, A. Seki, and K. Sakai, J. G. Sczechowki, S. J. Kleis, H. Li, J. Shi, S.R. Kurtz, J.M. Olson, A.E. Kibbler, J.M. Pacheco, M.E. Ralph, J.M. Chavez, B.J.U. Newton, M. Schmid, J.W. Mitchell, and W.A. Beckman, R. B. Diver S. R. Wintgerstein, C. H. Lange, T. J. Jeziemy, M. H. Kaya, H. S. Jeon, H. Kim, K. Kurokawa, and P. Klimas
1992 David E. Claridge, Srinivas Katipamula, Mark S. Mehos, Kimberly A. Pacheco, Hal Link, G. A. Busk, B. D. Wood, A. Pesaran, Steve Hester, K. K. de Groh, W. G. Anderson, J. H. Rosenfeld, E. Saaski, C. Bingham, and J. Noble
1991 D. Anderson, A.D. Solomon, J. Dow, J.B. Drake, J. F. Kreider, P.J. Williams, H. Xu, D. Charoensupaya, Peter Golding, Zalman Lavan, A. H. P. Swift, Jr., M. Krarti, T. J. Wendelin, David E. Claridge, G. T. Jorgenson, Byard D. Wood, R. L. Wood, Donald A. Siebe, Yutaka Nowatza, R. Kirk Collier, C. F. Kutshcer, Douglas R. Adkins, C. B. Christensen, L. T. Lu, and G. M. Baker
1990 H.A. Walker, J.H. Davidson
1989 R. P. Wichner

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