Best Paper Award

ASME Unit: Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED)
Date Established: 1997
Achievement: Given to the author(s) of the most outstanding technical paper, presented at IMECE, related to Manufacturing Engineering.
Nomination Deadline:  
Form of Award: Certificate
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: Manufacturing Engineering Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: Executive Committee of MED
Selecting Process: Recommendation to the Executive Committee
Funding: MED Custodian Account
Date Created: 11/8/2000
Date Modified: 3/15/2013
Contact Name: MSEC Technical Program Chair of MSEC for that year
Contact Email:  
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Winners of the Best Paper Award

2020 Md Ferdous Alam, Max Shtein, Kira Barton, David J. Hoelzle
2020 Yang Xu, Yizhen Zhu, Yifeng Sun, Jie Jin, Yong Chen
2020 Sai Kosaraju, Xin Zhao
1997  Jinwook Kim 2006  Ryota Ikeda 2012  Hui Wang
1997  Changebeom Park 2007  Rodolfo Haber 2012  Hai Nguyen
1997  Jongwon Kim 2007  Rodolfo Haber-Haber 2012  S. Jack Hu
1997  F.C. Park 2007  Angel Alique 2012  Albert Shih
1999  K.D. Bouzakis 2007  Agustin Jimenez 2012  Zhikun Liu
1999  S.Kombogiannis 2008  X. Brun, S. Melkote 2012  Gary J. Cheng
1999  A. Antoniadis 2009  Jie Feng 2012  Yuefeng Wang
1999  N. Vidakis 2009  Bongsuk Kim 2012  Yiliang Liao
2000  M. E. Bange 2009  Jun Ni 2012  Yayue Pan
2000  M. G. Stout 2010  Lei Ma Shreyes 2012  Chi Zhou
2000  S. K. MacEwen 2010  N. Melkote 2012  Yong Chen
2001  I. S. Kmecko 2010  John B Morehouse 2013  Lei Ma
2001  Z. Jandric 2010  James B. Castle 2013  Shreyes Melkote
2001  R. Kovacevic 2010  James W. Fonda 2013  James Castle
2002  John A. Malluck 2011  Hongtao Ding 2014  Xin Weng
2002  Shreyes N.Melkote 2011  Yung C. Shin 2014  Xiaoning Jin
2006  Hitomi Yamaguchi 2012  Bruce L. Tai 2014  Jun Ni
2006  Takeo Shinmura        

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