Best Paper Award

ASME Unit: Computers and Information in Engineering Division (CIE)
Date Established: 2009
Achievement: The awards recognize the best papers in each of the primary topics sponsored by the Technical Committees at the CIE annual conference, and the overall conference best paper.
Nomination Deadline: May 1
Form of Award: Monetary
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: CIE Executive Committee
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: CIE Executive Committee and Technical Committee
Selecting Process: The selection is made by the Executive Committee after nomination by the technical committee chairs, based on the following criteria: Relevance to CIE, Originality of Contribution, Breadth of Applicability, Problem Difficulty, Demonstration of Success, Potential for Replication by Others, Quality of Written and Visual Aspects, Comments by Reviewers and Recommendations.
Funding: The Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Date Created: 2/2/2011
Date Modified: 2/14/2013
Contact Name: Barbara Zlatnik
Contact Email:

Winners of the Best Paper Award

2022 Omey M. Manyar
Junyan Cheng
Reuben Levine
Vihan Krishnan
Jernej Barbiˇc
Satyandra K. Gupta
2021 Jun Wang, Jida Huang
2020 Mike Eldred, Scott McCann, Anh Tran, Yan Wang
2017 Giandomenico Caruso, Daniele Ruscio, Dedy Ariansyah, and Monica Bordegoni
2014 Morad Behandish
2014 Horea T. Ilies
2013 Sashio Kobayashi

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