Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award

The Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award was established as a division award in 1998. The Award was elevated to a Society award in 2001 to recognize a person who exemplifies the best in furthering engineering design education through vision, interactions with students and industry, scholarship and impact on the next generation of engineers, and a person whose action serves as a role model for other educators to emulate.

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Nomination Instructions
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Form of Award: $1000, vermeil medal and certificate
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Design Engineering Division
Nomination Deadline: February 22
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Awardees

2001 Ken Wallace 2023 Shorya Awtar
2002 Kenneth J. Waldron 2024 Shanna R. Daly
2003 Woodie C. Flowers    
2004 Clive L. Dym    
2005 Gary L. Kinzel    
2006 John S. Lamancusa    
2007 Panos Y. Papalambros    
2008 Kosuke Ishii    
2010 Sridhar Kota    
2011 Farrokh Mistree    
2012 David Wallace    
2013 Douglass J. Wilde    
2014 Kevin Craig    
2015 Alice M. Agogino    
2016 Kathryn W. Jablokow    
2017 Gül E. Okudan Kremer    
2018 Alexander H. Slocum    
2019 Janet K. Allen    
2020 Jonathan Cagan    
2021 Timothy W. Simpson    
2022 Kamran Behdinan    

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