Old Guard Prizes

The Old Guard is made up of ASME dues exempt members, those who have reached the age of 65 and have retired. They continue to contribute to the Society and their contributions are used to support the "Old Guard" Prizes and similar Society activities related to Student and Early Career members.

The Prizes are awarded annually for the best four contenders at the Old Guard Oral Presentation Competition during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE). These competitors are Student Members who won first prize at the District level competitions held at ASME Student Professional Development Conferences. The District-level first prizes also include partial travel support to participate in the IMECE.

The Prize was established in 1956 to recognize the overall winner, in 1981 it was expanded to include second -and third-place winners, and in 1992 a fourth-place winner was added.

For more information on this distinguished prize, its rules, criteria and other details please visit: Old Guard Prize - Oral Presentation Competition

Form Of Award:

$2000, 1st

$1500, 2nd

$1000, 3rd

$500, 4th


Limitation(s): Student Members
Administrative Responsibility: Old Guard Committee
Nomination Deadline: -
NominationApproved By: -
Email: persaudl@asme.org
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH) Congress


1956 Joseph W. Jacobson 1983 Jonathan R. Willey
  University of Texas   San Diego State University
1957 George M. Reynolds 1984 Jeffrey McAllister
  Northwestern University   Brigham Young University
1958 Harry Hollinghaus 1985 Ed Rissberger
  University of Utah   Columbia University
1959 James S. Kishi 1986 Chris Della Corte
  University of Texas   Case Western Reserve University
1960 Joseph W. Lindsey 1987 Shannon S. Breon
  University of Utah   Iowa State University
1961 Joseph J. Marino 1988 John H. Barrett
  University of Connecticut   Tufts University
1962 Jay S. Fein 1989 Michael B. Hogan
  Rutgers University   Auburn University
1963 Walter Clark Dean II 1990 Craig N. Gawreluk
  Lehigh University   Montana State University
1964 Robert J. Arnzen 1991 Karen S. Schlangen
  Washington University/St. Louis   University of Minnesota
1965 Joseph P. Collins 1992 Kevin Naziri
  University of Wisconsin   California State Poly/Pomona
1966 John A. Leo III 1993 Irene J. Beyerlein
  Auburn University   Clemson University
1967 William E. Hughes 1994 Jeffrey La Borde
  Brigham Young University   Louisiana State University
1968 Maurice H. Bunn 1995 Kelly Habicht
  Arizona State University   San Diego State University
1969 Walter H. Peters III 1996 Janea E. Stulp
  Auburn University   Colorado State University
1970 Joseph R. Titone 1997 Scott Wenger
  Cornell University   Virginia Polytechnic Institute
1971 James L. Lee 1998 Victoria E. Wood
  Auburn University   University of Tulsa
1972 Stanley W. Blossom 1999 D. Nathaniel Mulcahy
  Oklahoma State University   University of Massachusetts at Amherst
1973 Steven H. Blossom 2000 Kristen Busko
  Oklahoma State University   Gonzaga University
1974 Gary L. Smith 2001 Daniel B. Vicario
  Oklahoma State University   Villanova University
1975 Steven R. Bussolari 2002 Jonathan A. Amory
  Union College   Trinity College
1976 Paul E. Hollis 2003 Jill C. Anderson
  University of Washington   Boston University
1977 Pauline B. Cramer 2004 Sarah Plymale
  University of Washington   LeTourneau University
1978 Jan D. Dozier 2005 Sara Coulthard
  Auburn University   United States Naval Academy
1979 Zoe D. Kececioglu 2006 Stephen Hart
  University of Arizona   The Ohio State University
1980 John J. Marsal 2007 Russell Aldridge
  Tulane University   Brigham Young University
1981 Dan J. Schmitt 2008 Joy Davis
  Oklahoma State University   Wright State University
1982 Gary F. St. Onge 2009 Matthew S. Hollis
  Union College   Cedarville University
    2010 Maxim Budyansky
      University of Connecticut
    2013 Zachary Young
      Cedarville University
    2014 Anomitra Banerjee
      Birla Institute of Technology and Science
    2015 Tyler M Pharris
      Baylor University
1982 John I. Macy 1994 Todd M. Beller
  University of Kansas   Purdue University
1983 Richard F. Beaufort 1995 Allan D. Parks
  Brigham Young University   University of Windsor
1984 John DiMarco 1996 Michael Ogg
  University of Dayton   Christian Brothers University
1985 Michael T. Nelson 1997 David B. Lenhert
  Clemson University   Wichita State University
1986 Thomas Cavallaro 1998 Jeremy C. Patterson
  Clemson University   University of NC at Charlotte
1987 Marc Richelsoph 1999 John M.R. Rask
  Vanderbilt University   Le Tourneau University
1988 Rocke R. Koreis 2000 Paul Hvass
  Seattle University   Le Tourneau University
1989 James N. Cantrell 2001 Jared Fryar
  Utah State   University of Portland
1990 Moji I. Ijaz 2002 Marie K. Moran
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute   University of Tulsa
1991 Alan K. Jones 2003 Smitesh Bakrania
  Portland State University   Union College
1992 John Jraiche 2004 Brian Montague
  University of Windsor   Cedarville University
1993 Andrew M. Dudas 2005 Conall Dempsey
  Bradley University   University of Illinois
    2006 Matthew Teicholz
      University of Connecticut
    2007 Shannon Yee
      The Ohio State University
    2008 Jeff Lombardo
      University of Connecticut
    2009 Shiyu Liu
      Nanyang Technological University
    2010 Carol Regalbuto
      University of Illinois
    2013 Jerry Wang
      Yale University
    2014 Brandon Horton
      Virginia Tech
    2015 Pin Yi Chen
      National Taiwan University
1982 Douglas R. Watson 1994 Lee R. Johnson, Jr.
  San Diego State University   Union College
1983 Joseph R. Olivier 1995 Wendy B. Schiebout
  Tulane University   Dordt College
1984 Daniel B. Grandmont 1996 Darrin Noe
  Western New England College   Seattle University
1985 Brian D. Berthold 1997 Gretchen Voegler
  University of New Mexico   Union College
1986 Daniel M. Browning 1998 Julie A. Katz
  Oregon State University   Bradley University
1987 Michael L. Hoskins 1999 Kip Jensen
  California State University/Chico   Brigham Young University
1988 Margaret F. Pinnell 2000 John Milos
  University of Dayton   New Jersey Institute of Technology
1989 James L. Kahler 2001 Andre McDonald
  South Dakota State University   City College of New York
1990 Leland G. Hansen 2002 Francis X. Murphy
  Brigham Young University   US Military Academy
1991 Craig J. Speier 2003 Preston Pysh
  University of California at Santa Barbara   U.S. Military Academy
1992 Jerry R. Volcy 2004 Amber Raub Walker
  New Jersey Institute of Technology   U.S. Military Academy
1993 Eric L. Callens 2005 Robert Graudins
  Louisiana Technical University   Seattle University
    2006 John Souza
      University of North Carolina, Charlotte
    2007 Stephen T. Clark
      Duke University
    2008 Brian Wilks
      Texas A&M University
    2009 Alex Scott
      Loughborough University
    2010 Caroline Scheck
      University of Maryland
    2013 Thomas Larson
      University of Washington
    2014 Michael Crump
      Texas Tech University
    2015 Gorman Donnelly
      Union College
1992 Eric L. Callens 1998 Mark A. Kurfman
  Louisiana Technical University   St. Louis University at Parks College
1993 Jason A. Pepin 1999 Paula Jean Runge
  University of Massachusetts   Mississippi State University
1994 David R. Smith, II 2000 Cory Cooper
  University of Utah   U.S. Air Force Academy
1995 Brian S. Mansure 2001 Jonathan Slager
  University of Wyoming   Tourneau University
1996 Jesse Adams 2002 David M. Chapin
  University of Nevada, Reno   Union College
1997 Michael Gray 2003 William Erwin
  California Polytechnic State University/San Luis Obispo   Vanderbilt University
    2004 Lincoln Potwin
      Wenthworth University
    2005 Thomas Barry
      University of Hartford
    2006 Matthew McCrink
      Boise State University
    2007 Andrew Gustafson
      California State University
    2008 Daniel Koch
      University of Colorado-Denver
    2009 Hunter McClelland
      Tennessee Technological University
    2010 Daniel Gerber
      University of Alabama
    2013 Kristian Saull
      Loughborough University
    2014 Joseph Kim
      Yale University
    2015 Matthew Lesniewski
      Milwaukee School of Engineering

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