Nadai Medal

Nadai Medal

The Nadai Medal is awarded in recognition of significant contributions and outstanding achievements which broaden the field of materials engineering. Such achievements may be, for example, in the areas of education, research, development, and service to the field and profession.

The Nadai Medal was established in 1975 on the proposal of the Materials Division to honor Arpad L. Nadai, who was a pioneer in the field of engineering materials, contributing particularly to the area of plasticity. His perspective also enabled him to give strong impetus to development in fatigue and high temperature behavior.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award:  $1000, bronze medal, certificate, and a $750 travel allowance
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Materials Division
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Nadai Medalists

2024 Julia R. Greer
2023 Nancy Sottos
2022 George Z. Voyiadjis
2021 Michael Thouless  
2020 Frank Zok
2019 Ellen M. Arruda
2018 George M. Pharr
2017 John A. Rogers
2016 Yonggang Huang
2015 Huajian Gao
2014 L. Catherine Brinson
2013 Tsu-Wei Chou
2012 Satya N. Atluri
2011 Subra Suresh
2010 Albert S. Kobayashi
2009 Lambert Ben Freund
2008 Zdenek P. Bazant
2007 Huseyin Sehitoglu
2006 Richard M. Christensen
2005 Theodore Nicholas
2004 Robert O. Ritchie
2003 Anthony G. Evans
2002 Sia Nemat-Nasser
2001 William D. Nix
2000 Frederick A. Leckie
1999 John P. Hirth
1998 Ali S. Argon
1997 David L. McDowell
1996 James R. Rice
1995 Nicolaie D. Cristescu
1994 Owen Richmond
1993 William N. Sharpe, Jr.
1992 George J. Dvorak
1991 John W. Hutchinson
1990 Stephen D. Antolovich
1988 Herbert T. Corten
1987 Erhard Krempl
1986 William F. Brown, Jr.
1985 Sumio Yukawa
1984 Thomas J. Dolan
1983 Arthur J. McEvily, Jr.
1982 Iain Finnie
1981 S. Stanford Manson
1980 Michael J. Manjoine
1979 Louis F. Coffin, Jr.
1978 Frank A. McClintock
1977 George R. Irwin
1976 Evan Albert Davis
1975 George M. Sinclair

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