J. Hall Taylor Medal

J. Hall Taylor Medal

The J. Hall Taylor Medal is presented for distinguished service or eminent achievement in the field of codes and standards pertaining to the broad fields of piping and pressure vessels which are sponsored or undertaken by ASME. The scope includes contributions to technical advancement and administration.

In 1965, by a bequest through the ASME activity in codes and standards, the Taylor Forge and Pipe Works established this award to commemorate the pioneering work of J. Hall Taylor in the field of standardization of industrial products and safety codes for their usage.

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Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $1000, bronze medal and certificate
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Council on Standards and Certification
Nomination Deadline: November 15
E-mail: persaudl@asme.org
Awarded By: General Awards Committee (GAC)

J. Hall Taylor Medalists

2024 George Rawls
2023 Steven C. Roberts
2022 Richard D. Campbell
2021 Susumu Terada
2020 Don Frikken
2019 Walter J. Sperko
2018 Daniel T. Peters
2017 Ronald W. Haupt
2016  Jon E. Batey
2015 Peter A. Molvie
2014 Charles Becht IV
2013 David L. Berger
2012 Jeffrey F. Henry
2011 Mahendra D. Rana
2010 Urey R. Miller
2009 Owen F. Hedden
2008 Joel G. Feldstein
2007 Donald F. Landers
2006 Thomas P. Pastor
2005 Blaine W. Roberts
2004 J. Robert Sims
2003 Michael Gold
2002 Allen Selz
2001 William N. McLean
2000 Ernest A. Steen
1999 Richard E. Feigel
1998 Martin D. Bernstein
1997 John R. MacKay
1996 Marcus N. Bressler
1995 Guido G. Karcher
1994 Domenic A. Canonico
1993 Lowell L. Elder
1993 Clyde C. Neely
1992  Maan H. Jawad
1991 Bernard W. Bace
1990 William R. Apblett, Jr.
1989 Walter R. Mikesell
1988 George E. Fratcher
1987 Stephen A. Bergman
1986 James R. Farr
1985 Robert C. Griffin
1984 William D. Doty
1982 George V. Smith
1981 Robert J. Cepluch
1980 Paul M. Brister
1979 John F. Harvey
1978 Adolph O. Schaefer
1977 James S. Clarke & Raymond R. MaCcary
1975 Walter H. Davidson, Frederick A. Hough, Joe J. King, Burton T. Mast & Andrew J. Shoup
1974 Jean E. Lattan
1973 John D. Mattimore
1972 William Rolfe Gall
1971 James M. Guy
1970 Bernard F. Langer
1969 Everett O. Waters
1968 Max B. Higgins
1967 David B. Wesstrom
1966 Frank S.G. Williams

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