Internal Combustion Engine Award

The Internal Combustion Engine Award recognizes eminent achievement or distinguished contribution over a substantial period of time, which may result from research, innovation, or education in advancing the art of engineering in the field of internal combustion engines; or in directing the efforts and accomplishments of those engaged in engineering practice in the design, development, application, and operation of internal combustion engines.

In 1966, by bequest, the Diesel and Gas Engine Power Division established this award.

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Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award: $1000, plaque, and registration to ICEF
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Internal Combustion Engine Division
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Internal Combustion Engine Awardees

1967 Frederick P. Porter
1969 Leo T. Brinson, Jr.
1971 Melvin J. Helmich
1972 R. Rex Robinson
1973 Warren A. Rhoades
1974 Warren J. Severin
1975 William Spelcher
1979 Helmuth G. Braendel
1981 Phillip S. Myers
1982 David B. Field
1983 James H. Garrett
1984 Samuel S. Lestz
1985 John M. Bailey
1986 Hugh A. Williams, Jr.
1987 Garin M. VanDeMark
1989 Richard D. Kieser
1990 Daniel C. Garvey
1991 Fred S. Schaub
1992 John A. Kimberley
1993 Edward F. Obert
1994 Otto A. Uyehara
1995 John C. Hallinan
1997 Benny Ballheimer
1999 Serge Gratch
2000 Charles A. Amann
2002 Warren E. Snyder
2003 Rodica A. Baranescu
2004 Humphrey Niven
2005 Karl J. Springer
2006 N. Richard Dunteman
2007 Paul R. Danyluk
2008 Dionissios N. Assanis
2009 Ronald D. Matthews
2010 John E. Dec
2011 Rolf D. Reitz
2012 Nicholas P. Cernansky
2013 John H. Johnson
2014 Robert M. Wagner
2015 Volker Sick
2016 Terrence F. Alger II
2017 Paul Miles
2018 Dennis L. Siebers
2019 Peter K. Senecal
2020 André L. Boehman
2021 Gautam Kalghatgi
2022 Roy J. Primus
2023 Jeffrey D. Naber
2024 Zoran Filipi

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