Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal

Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal

The Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal, recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in thermal management of electronic systems and his or her commitment to the field of thermal science and engineering.

The nominee for the award should have: Significant contributions in thermal management of electronic systems demonstrated by successful product development, seminal papers, filed patents and/or leadership of research and development programs.

The Thermal Management Award was established in 1994 by the Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division and operated as a divisional award until 2009, when it was elevated to a Society Award and renamed the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal.

Submit Nomination Here
Nomination Instructions
Nomination Tips

Form of Award:  $1,000, bronze medal, certificate, and a $750 travel allowance 
Limitation(s): None
Administrative Responsibility: Electronic and Photonic Packaging Division (EPPD)
Nomination Deadline: February 1
Awarded By: Committee on Honors (COH)

Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medalists

2009 Suresh V. Garimella 2023 Evelyn N. Wang
2010 Kenneth E. Goodson 2024 Sushil Bhavnani
2011 Robert E. Simons    
2012 Louis C. Chow    
2014 Peter E. Raad    
2015 Martha Rencz    
2016 Ravi Mahajan    
2017 Masaru Ishizuka    
2019 John R. Thome    
2020 Michael J. Ellsworth Jr.    
2021 Issam Mudawar    
2022 Samuel Graham Jr.    


1996 Avi Bar-Cohen
1998 Wataru Nakayama
2000 Rich Wirtz
2002 Dereje Agonafer
2004 Cristina Amon
2005 Roger Schmidt
2006 Yojendra Joshi
2007 Bahgat Sammakia
2008 Gamal Refai-Ahmed

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